Obama has been sworn in as the President of The United States of America!
In hindsight, I have to say Bush wasn't as bad as everybody thought he was (Ahh using the past tense about him FINALLY). I mean he was divisive and incompetent but he wasn't evil. That role was filled by the person I am equally happy is out of office; Dick Cheney. I welcome Joe the Vice President into office as well. I think that he is a decent person whose presidential hopes were marred by his uncanny ability to put his foot in his mouth at every opportunity. Thankfully the Vice President has less chances to do just that and so I believe he will be effective in the traditional role as VP; that is to say Biden will roll back the changed portfolio of VP that the power-mongering Dick in office before him created.
The inaugural speech was very articulate. I daresay that Obama touched on everything that I hoped he would. From the social justice side, he discussed the reform of the education and health sectors. This is just one instance where it looks like he is willing to go forward with all of the sweeping changes he argued for from the beginning despite the current financial crisis. Others include the entitlement programs needing to be revamped. I really hope that he can fix these programs soon since the unpaid portion of liabilities in these programs are rising very quickly.
When dealing with these topics and others he was very much different than Bush in his attempt at being bipartisan; discussing that we should not worry about big government or small government but good government.
He discussed his plans for proper, peaceful, diplomacy; that he will open up to any nation who attempts to bridge the gap and show an end to their militant ways. This reaffirming of the need for so called soft power is a welcome change and will hopefully raise America's status in the world. He also discussed that terrorists are destined to fail if Americans refuse to let terrorist actions affect their lives.
On that note he echoed the sentiment of people like Locke and Paine in saying that America must not deal in its liberties to help keep the nation safe. To me it sounded like freedoms in America may be increased during the Obama years and perhaps Guantanamo will be closed very early during his presidency.
On the economic situation he argued that there will be some difficult times in the near future but people must let go of the paranoia the markets have inflicted upon them to return consumer expectations to where it should be.
Finally Obama discussed the need of developed nations to aide the development of the South. That we cannot sit back while other countries starve. That we can no longer ignore science with respect to things like climate change and that it is the developed world's responsibility to curve greenhouse gases. He foretold of a world where we harness the sun, wind and land to power our homes and drive our cars. It looks like Aide to disadvantaged nations and helping the environment will be two pillars of the Obama foreign policy plan.
Of course it is a little early to draw so many far reaching conclusions about the next 4-8 years of American governing but with the Democrats in serious control of the house and Obama being so very different than Bush one cannot help but get swept away in the moment.
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Well Said! I agree 100% with everything you said here and everything Obama has outlined. Well close to 100%...aside from the statement that, "Bush wasn't as bad as everyone thought he was." I agree that much of the blunders, power hungry policies driven through where at the hands of Cheny. However, a good president would have stopped some of the stunts that Cheny pulled to put sole power into his and the presidents hands. A good president would recognize the danger in this.
but that is the past...this is the present.
Obama has outlined massive changes that he hopes to implement. Surely, they can't all be done. And critics will blast him for concocting such "dreams". But like he said in his speech, it is the politics of the past few presidents that have stunted Americas growth, bogged down the economy and destroyed Americans credibility of benevolence abroad. It is the politics that have stopped progress in America. Sometimes dreaming big is the only way to achieve great things...
Let me state this clearly: Bush was a horrible president. Idiotic and Incompetent to the end which is why Cheney could control him so easily. It is also why Bush's policies were quickly turned from rational to wholly partisan in nature. That being said I don't think he was necessarily evil; though I do think Cheney was.
1) I can't believe you have bought into the Obama-mania. He did what most politicians do - promise the world. He didn't exactly say anything different than what anyone normally says...
He can't get all the shit done that he wants to, and, due to a lack of prudent politics, will suffer the consequences.
2) Bush is not evil, but his dad is. Who do you think influenced him more? His Dad or Dick? Either way, we know he wasn't thinking with his own head.
He is already moving to the centre - the most recent bailout will be both spending and tax cuts.
He has already signed an executive order to close Guantanamo within a year. A really good time frame - any sooner and they would just be releasing the inmates into America, any long and the ACLU would be up in his grill. That's right, grill.
He chose a lot of reputable academics for his cabinet which shows he will be interested in facts and not just intuitive decision making like Bush.
Do I think he will bring about a Messianic age and fulfill the Jewish scriptures? Now. But I do think he will be a good president.
He's also instituted some lobbiest curbing which I feel really needed to be done in that country, and pay freezing for top 100 his staff which is a nice symbolic gesture to the public. I'm excited about Obama, not because I think he'll fix every problem, but just because he seems like he'll try to make rational (read: correct) decisions. Also he's starting to lift bans on abortion funding. If anyone's read Freakonomics, this is also good for lowering the crime rate.
Obama is going to do to the U.S.in five years what it took canada to in eighty. The problem is that the united states is not prepared for it. For example the prime difference between the candian medical system and the us system is one is cost controlled and the other is profit driven, and all the hospitals are owned by the government in canada.
you will see a national type of sales tax in the united states much like they have in canda and britian in an attempt to pay for it, but it will not nearly cover the cost needed. the cost of medical has tripled in the last ten years in the united states, and a majority of the insurance companies in the usa that have clients near the canada us border have been sending their expecting mother to canada to give birth because they can save as much ast 15 thousand dollars us, even after coving hotel and related expenses.
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