Saturday, March 07, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

I am surprised that no one has killed Rush Limbaugh. First, I am not recommending it, I do not think that murder is ever justified, nor do I think that I would ever go as far as to say, someone deserves to be killed.
That being said a large portion of highly partisan and hugely influential people have been killed. Some of these people were more polite and reserved than Limbaugh. Some were less known than Limbaugh. Certainly most upset a smaller group of people than Limbaugh.
When I think of someone like MLK being shot while Limbaugh doesn't even need to live in fear, I get quite cynical. The NRA is a very right wing organization, Limbaugh is far to the right and MLK was far to the left. Of course political killings will be from the right to the left. They have the guns!
On the other hand, MLK was really a single argument man. He just wanted civil rights and equality. Limbaugh is not just partisan on every possible issue you can think of but also rude in so many ridiculous ways. Think about how he mocked Michael J. Fox for having Parkinson's disease. Surely some NRA people have mothers with Parkinson's disease?
It is a testament to the nature of America, for better or for worse, that nobody has shot Limbaugh. What should we take from this? Perhaps we can be the optimist and say that America has just become safer for political dissent, that freedom of speech is more cherished and people are more democratically enabled to say what they think without fear of persecution. I imagine MLK would prefer that story. Though, you can't help but think its because Limbaugh is a right wing fanatic and not a left wing fanatic.


Unknown said...

I posit that it is because all the left wingers are so mellowed out on their weed stashes that and the methane from smelling, and enjoying, their own farts that it incapicitates them.

Sorry for the South Park reference I know that's too low brow for this blog space.

\ said...

Yeah don't trust people with a hyphen in their name....
South Park is kosher.