Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Xmen Wolverine philosophy

Okay so I just watched Xmen Origins: Wolverine via the Internets. It was pretty cool. Actually it was a pre-release edition so not all of the editing was complete. There were editor notes throughout and much of the CGI was unfinished. Anyways, this experience has led me to a philosophical question that I would like to pose:

"Being invincible necessarily limits a person to a single, predisposed, hair style for life"



Unknown said...

If one is invincible, how do the barber's shears cut through the hair? Or, why would they have hair, if hair is composed of primarily DEAD cells? Perhaps the one weakness of invincibility is the prospect of ripping the skin off the skull, the only area capable of dying?

\ said...

You make some excellent points. If one were born invincible, then perhaps, they would never have hair. If somehow later in life, through natural mutation or government experiment they had invincibility bestowed upon them, then perhaps scissors would not be able to cut the hair. Now what if the person were regenerative? So they could be damaged but always healed? Would that mean if you trimmed their hair it would soon revert to its previous condition?

Unknown said...

If so, I pray that whoever has that happen to them doesn't have the power bestowed upon them while sporting a Donald Trump combover. P.S. did you hear this guy is suing an author over claiming his actual net worth to be $100-200M? He claims that his status as a billionaire is a necessary public perception to earn income. What a joker. Maybe he will claim $900M to put himself back into billionaire status?