Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Man Sex Thursday"

A reporter for the Toronto Star has learned of something very interesting going on in Afghanistan. As he reported from Afghanistan, some of the local military men, that were trained by Canadians, have engaged in pedophilia with some of the local villages boys. The reporter's translator referred to this as "Man Sex Thursday" which is an apparent weekly ritual of abuse. See? Catholics with the alter boy love Sundays do not have a monopoly on religious people abusing boys. An inquiry is looking into the allegations.
I'd make a joke about the 'surge' at work but it just seems to be in bad taste.

1 comment:

Shadowcat said...

Religion's a good cover for abusers. After all, they depend on people trusting them. A lot of child sexual abusers protest loudly about how much they hate child abuse, even serving on committees to keep children safe. The better a person appears the more likely no one will believe the victim, and the more likely the victim will trust him.