Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mac users should be a recognized minority

Mac users should be visible minorities with all the rights afforded to other groups under constitutions and charters around the world. Our glowing apple emblems are visible from far away. When some company does not support Mac formats (like yahoo internet radio), we should be able to chant OScism. I call an for an end to the world of hate that these corporate OScist have created.
If I type,
does text not appear?
Does my battery not drain,
If no jack is near?


crazycatlady said...

lovesit. i offer you a haiku of solidarity:

my macbook shines on
salute to you in Japan
mac mac mac mac mac.

\ said...

That was a lot better than some of the haiku you see over here.

Bryce said...

Buying a Mac and then complaining that not everything runs on it is like converting to become a jehovah's witness and then complaining that you don't get to celebrate your birthday.

\ said...

nice... but they are protected under freedom of religion.