Monday, September 8, 2008
I was wondering: who does the fact checking? I live in Japan - to escape the gingers - and saw a Japanese ginger at Tokyo Disneyland.
Oh my god. A Japanese Ginger?! It can't be. My only guess is that it was a crab person disgused as an pasty, soulless tourist.
South Park FAQ page
Behind my friend, Derek, smiling while I take a picture of the Japanese Ginger, is the Japanese Ginger. I knew they would make a comment about this when I asked. The website is If you live outside of Canada you can watch all the episodes for free, legally.
The ginger doesnt appear to have the dominating freckles on her face. What the dealio? Just not caught on photo?
i think what would determine if she was a true ginger is the nipples.
sleep with the japanese ginger and get back to everyone. if you're right, you banged the one japanese ginger in existence, if you are wrong, at least you didn't fuck a ginger....
They are there.... There are freckles. The angle makes it difficult to see but I'll try to get Derek (The guy in the picture) on the blog to confirm the freckles.
Jeremy that is hilarious. What colour are Ginger Nipples? Do the headlights match the carpet and drapes?
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