Thursday, September 11, 2008

May is in the Debates?!

May is back in the debates. I am very happy about this to say the least. I think that everybody in Canada should be happy. The Green party has mobilized the Canadian youth to participate in Politics in the way that Obama surely will in America. The reason is simple. Old people clearly, in general, do not care about young people. They are suspicious of us because we try to steal their jobs (and with our higher levels of Education are replacing them at a faster rate).
Now of course mother cares for child and some older people may show an altruistic tendency toward the youth but it is quite rare.
Every time they deny Global warming, explicitly like a Palin might (worst choice ever) or implicitly like a Harper does when he plans to cut excise taxes on fuel they are showing us that they don't care. The baby boomers should be regarded as the most selfish generation of all time. They have exploited our resources, ruined our environment, flooded the market with so many workers that the wages are no where near where they should be, and their Pièce de résistance will be bankrupting pensions world wide to the point that we will continue to pay for their unbeleivably long retirement long after they die and we ourselves are retired. All because they feel entitled to the point of not saving (financially or environmentally). It was bad enough when the wealthy walked around feeling everything was theirs, now that everyone does it is quite worrisome.
I attended the Green Party's national convention a few years ago and it was something of a proud point that we influence policy even if we are not in the house. It is quite apparent when you can see the Liberal leader promoting an income neutral carbon tax. Something that I believe will be both more effective and efficient. I would rather use fiscal policy to shape a market than use regulation to restrain a market. Regulation also has the added effect of needing some sort of overview.
Anyways, I disgress with saying that May will focus the debates onto key issues that are important to the younger generation. Now if people are able to vote from their university town, maybe they will actually have a voice to answer the call May makes.

Finally this Makes Harper even more of a pussy. According to the, The Harper camp has said, "We don't think she should be there. But if the NDP have decided they're changing their position, we will not stand alone." So without the moral strength of Layton, who looks a bit like a cartoon character, Harper cannot fight 'the good fight'. Seriously, grow a pair. I said in my last post that if the news organization changed their stance the parties would have to fall in line because its better to be in a debate than not. Sure enough they did. Thank you Jack Layton, I was surprised at your initial stance. You always seemed like a decent person (although your ideals are far different then mine) so I am glad you did the right thing. Harper for being the person that followed suit of a much smaller party (and smaller man) you get no points. In fact I ridicule you all the same as it is not with courage you did what you did but from fear. And we all know fear leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side.

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