Thursday, October 02, 2008

MMORPGH (Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Gamer's Health

Though not the most obvious threat to the world, nor the greatest, the following does strike me as something to worry about. Apparently people who are addicted to online gaming are now more fit than the general population.
War, financial stress, regime change and the like are all commonplace in this world but if there is one thing that I thought would remain constant, it is that people who play World of Warcraft, on average, are the most slovenly people around. Admittedly the few that I know do not fit into this category, but I assumed they were the exception.

They Are Less Fat

The article in question is actually about a different MMORPG and not about WOW and therefore you would expect the people to be even more fat. I mean the less people the MMORPG you play, the lamer you are and therefore the fatter you should be.

I am now wondering if the world is coming to an end... No I am not but I think the world makes more sense when gamers are fat, covered in acne (and pizza pop crumbs) and live in their mother's basement. Maybe some of it is still true?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Physical exercise is very much essential for health.
wow gold