Tuesday, October 14, 2008

United States Cabinet

The American election looks won. I would be very surprised in Barack loses. Even if all the secret racists lied to the pollsters and vote McCain on election day. So it comes time to pick the cabinet. Since it appears that Hilldog and her hubby are hard on the campaign trail, I can't help but think she was guaranteed a spot in his cabinet. Though Secretary of State is the top prize, I think that Hillary could do some good as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

While looking into this I visited the Wikipedia site for the American Executive Branch (below) and one thing struck me as humourous.

Current US Cabinet

Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. No?


j-rem said...

Do you think Barack will throw one to his peeps and let Dave Chapelle be secretary of national drug control policy?

\ said...

I think he could make a good drug Tsar.
Seriously, he probably would. I mean some compassion could go a long way in that arena.