Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nebraska Baby Drop Off

Nebraska passed a law that went into effect this past summer that gives parents immunity to child abandonment laws if they drop their child off at a state hospital. The law, I assume, was to slow down an epidemic of dumpster babies. The problem being lawmakers failed to put an age limit on the term 'child' so half of the children dropped off thus far have been teenagers! Most lawmakers have agreed to change the de facto age restriction from 18 years to 3 days old. Imagine staying out past curfew when you were in high school and as punishment your parents could threaten you with abandonment?


crazycatlady said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is sooo funny...good for those parents, I'd drop off the little fuckers too.

\ said...

what about the law makers? they wanted the limit to be 3 DAYS and instead they have teenagers being dropped off at hospitals.

Anonymous said...

so a mother is screwed if its a long weekend?

\ said...

hahaha. Maybe it is 3 business days old? But its not as though they put any thought into this at all.

Anonymous said...

This is horrible and crazy! You can drop off your 17 year old misfit and no one will punish you! Seriously, the stupid lawmakers are getting what they deserve. Figure out the details before you say "Yes, thats a great idea for a law". The law will get changed and what happens if the parents want their kids back after the law changes... can they get arrested then for abandonment?

Anonymous said...

lol wow those lawmakers really need to use their heads!!