Friday, September 19, 2008

Brad Pitt

Apparently Brad Pitt was recently named the most dangerous person in cyberspace. That is to say searching his name is the most likely to cause your computer to contract some sort of virus.

Cyber HIV

Now to me this by itself is not that interesting. Though it is funny to think that the hierarchy is;
Brad Pitt
But here is something interesting, Brad Pitt recently donated a bunch of money to fighting HIV/AIDs. He also donated 100k to preserving gay rights in California.

Donates Money to fight the HIV

Aids + Gay Marriage + Brad Pitt + More Computer Viruses than online porn
= what? exactly.


Michelle said...

i want to know how it's possible to donate money towards gay marriage i mean is there like a website... or...seriously, who did he make the cheque out to? homosexuality??

\ said...

Haha interesting question.
Maybe he paid 100k to put up a billboard in LA with his face on it saying "I'm Brad Pitt, I like the gays and so should you"

Anonymous said...

That is so true! unfortunate but true, think about it... people that doens't have anything to do, just create viruses with great names of course, so that people can fall for it. not many people do fall for it, but you know who wouldn't fall for Brad Pitt ;)