Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Apparently PETA has done it again. They went undercover at some pork producer and videotaped people abusing the animals - including sodomizing them with metal pikes.

Oink Oink, Boo, Boo

I want to say thank you to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for doing what the other smaller PETA (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals) cannot do. We just do not have the resources to deal with these things.
I know from working in a butcher shop that bruised meat just does not taste as good. It is also more difficult to cut cleanly and less likely to sell. For all those for Eating Tasty Animals lets hold up are steak knives and salute the other PETA.


Bryce said...

This reminds of a piece of advice I read somewhere titled, "For Every Animal You Don't Eat, I'm Going To Eat Three".

Say you're out to lunch or something with a group of people, and one of them is a vegetarian. Let's give the vegetarian a gay hippy name like Rainbow. If Rainbow is becoming obnoxious, complaining about how eating animals is wrong or similar things that carnivores don't want to hear, you can easily offset their vegetarianism for that meal. Just order 3 times your normal serving of meat.
The first serving is for what you'd normally eat.
The second is for what Rainbow would have eaten if they were a meat eater in the first place. This of course cancels out their efforts of being a vegetarian for that meal.
The third serving creates a spiteful situation where more animal is being consumed directly due to Rainbow being a vegetarian.
That should put them in their place, and possibly make them cry. For it to work though, you'd have to make sure you finish all 3 hamburgers or steaks.

crazycatlady said...

the poor piggies. i hate how people can have such blatant disregard for life - its not like the animal chose to be born in a factory farm...have a little bit of compassion, at least let it live its short miserable life free of being terrorized any more than it already is.

\ said...

I agree. Not necessarily because I care for the pigs but because I care about the pork.
I remember this one vegan cunt went on an on about how terrible cows are treated on dairy farms.
I almost beat her to death with her own cloud of smugness. If you hurt or scare or upset a cow in anyway she will not produce milk, could even get sick. A good young cow is worth like 3-5k. Not to mention the quota you buy to sell the milk is expensive. So many farmers name all their cows, can recognize them by spots and talk about them like they are all the family dog. Its quite endearing really. If they didn't, they would make less money.

j-rem said...

hahaha, bryce, thats amazing. its like an economic model (albeit, a retarded one) for reducing the number of vegetarians.
although, i disagree, you dont actually have to eat the third one. if anything, you are probably proving your point even more by not eating it. because then you are showing the vegetarian that you are so on the side of eating animals, that you would buy the burger, and not necessarily eat it. its not like you can take the uneaten burger and put it back on the farm...
"oh, look at that cute little burger chewing cud. i wonder where its mommy is?"

\ said...

I agree with Jeremy. Buying the third one is necessary; eating it is not.
I know that Kasia told me once her veggie friend agreed to eat turkey one Christmas because his family was going to buy some butterball but agreed to buy a free range local bird if he was eating some of it.

Bryce said...

I understand that you wouldn't have to necessarily eat the third one. But I have two arguments against that.

1) You tell me if you're at a meal, and there's an untouched steak/burger/piglet trying to get away, and it's going to be thrown out, that you wouldn't try to eat that bitch even if you were full.

2) Jeremy is right- you'd probably prove your point more by not eating it. It would increase the effect of your actions against the vegetarian. But if you're trying to prove your point even more then there's a problem: by that logic, to maximize proving your point you'd have to forgo eating any of the servings. And of course not only will this lower your utility (unless the satisfaction you attain from pissing off a vegetarian outweighs your hunger), but in terms of being a meat eater it would be a waste of resources to not consume any of the meat.

My point is this. Vegetarians think: "I love animals so much I couldn't bear to see one be eaten."

Meat eaters think: "I love eating animals so much I couldn't bear to see one not be eaten."

\ said...

what if you took the three burgers, threw all of the bun and lettuce at the vegetarian then ate only the patties. Preferably with real-beef gravy poured all over it with a side of bacon.
or you tell him "I'll order 1 if you order 1 if not I'll order 3"?
Then when he says no it is also partially his fault.

Anonymous said...

hehehe...I have a story you'll love! In high school I was a member of the Army JROTC and as such, every summer I attended a week of military training, at a military facility and run by real military folk. We ate military food (read: powdered eggs, powdered milk...reconstituted this, etc. etc.) so at the end of our training we got a treat: a barbeque picnic. We had coleslaw, potato salad, chips and...steak. Beautiful, tender, rib eye steak. I got my food and sat ate a table with my best friend, who was a vegetarian. She took her serving of steak and gave it to me, because she didn't want that poor cow to die in vain. I began to eat my steak, when some horribly offended vegetarians across from me stared at my two steaks and gasped "do you have any idea what you're eating?" My response? "baby cow...(big bite) and it's delicious! the way...did you check out the materials those boots you've been wearing all week were made of? Genuine leather! I wonder if your boots are related to my steak?" Man...every bite of meat after that was ever so much tastier. I managed to get ahold of and eat 6 ribeye steaks that day!
