Monday, September 15, 2008

Secret Societies

These people that go on and on about how terrible secret societies are, are just jealous. That head douche bag in the following documentary so clearly wants in, it is not even funny. He has his own secret society of one. Their weird ritual? Crying while masturbating in the dark.
Secret societies are fascinating to most people because we would like to know what is going on inside of these groups but to honestly believe they somehow rule the world is unimaginable to me.

Thank you Google Videos
History Channel: Secret Societies

The skull and bones have produced a lot of leaders but so have some of the other secret societies found at Yale. At other universities, Secret Societies, more commonly called senior societies, though quite secretive all the same, also produce leaders.
Why doesn't it occur to people that going to Yale might be part of the cause for future presidential success or the fact that these people are exceedingly wealthy and likely grow up making both public and private connections to other powerful people? I mean if skull and bones was a secret society at say The Kentucky School of Bizness and still produced presidents I might be willing to say it is because of the Skull and Bones and not the Alma Mata.


brysonom said...

I love this kind of keeps me laughin with late night radio all the time...

one of my favourite ones was how the aluminati arranged the audience at live 8 so it would make a satanic logo when veiwed from space...

\ said...

yes because if you are super rich and powerful you will spend your time doing stupid things like that.
I think if the Illuminati exist at all it is likely a secret trade group to help business interests

Wrens Nest said...

A secret trade group to make the owners of those businesses rich,all the while messin up the world economy. I'm talkin AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch...

\ said...

The reason that happened is no secret:
If you give an American (in this case a North American) a dollar he spends $1.25.
We do not save money, what savings we have are tied up in risky investments and we always want more, bigger, faster.
The banks felt the economy was bullish and so indulged our desires even though it was bad business.

j-rem said...

i resent the nature of this comment and that is was "for me".

secret societies, or not. its not really the point. follow the money trail and you'll see that its in a tight circle. whether that happens by coincidence (and i mean economic coincidence), or planned, again, isn't the point.

lets see your post on who knocked down the towers....

\ said...

a) watch the south park "the urinal duece"

b) my response. The fact that money is concentrated in a few wealthy people is not surprising - the adage you have to have money to make money - is quite true.

My 9/11 post? I am about a week late but I can. It would be quite simple. Terrorists. Not to say questionable things didn't happen else where as a result (Why did the sods.... sauds get away so lightly?)
Of course it was a criminal conspiracy technically speaking but I reject the notion it was somehow an american political conspiracy.

j-rem said...

and why do you reject the notion that some Americans brought down a building in America to start 2 wars and become very wealthy as a result.
and pass the Patriot Act...

who has benefited the most from 9/11? or is your argument that, Americans, by nature will make the best out of any situation. and by best, i mean, most money.

i reject the notion that "terrorists", many of whom have been proven to still be alive, brought down those buildings.
i also reject the notion that a plane actually hit the pentagon. check out the pictures - where's the fucking plane?

anyways, this is a topic that we have argued over for years and will probably continue to argue over.

it happened with the Reichstag and to start the Vietnam war.

As someone once said, "when war is this profitable, you are going to see a lot more of it".

what do you think has caused this 'credit crisis'. there is good debt, and there is bad debt. the debt taken on by the US government to fight this was is bad debt. the long-term benefits are nil (other than own Iraq's oil). its not like they invested trillions of dollars into infrastructure, they spend trillions of dollars building unnecessarily infrastructure to put the profit in their pocket.

\ said...

Yes bad debt caused the crisis. Its something we all know. The markets were looking good. Prosperity was seen everywhere so the banks thought nothing of risky lending. People eager to spend more than they make happily taking out huge loans.

this is annoying.... I aready made this comment and it disappeared.

It was terrorists. Who knows maybe some of the terrorists were local bag handlers and filled the plane with more explosives.

The plane was likely blown apart and mostly burried in ruble / flown right through the building so you can't see it in those pictures.

How the war was managed is an afterthought. Cheney certainly lied and poked and pushed people into war but he was taking advantage of a situation. He didn't make the situation.