Monday, September 08, 2008

Internet Porn

Seriously. There is something wrong with internet porn. The women in the videos are about 20% as attractive as they used to be. If someone is watching free internet porn they are in a low place. No money for the good stuff, no availability of sex, too nervous to buy porn, etc. There are issues. The ugly women are really kicking you when you are down.
How is it that we don't allow the weak to be firefighters, the stupid to be professors but the ugly can be porn actors? Should there not be some threshold?
I suggest the creation of something similar to SAG. I guess PAG (porn actors guild for the idiots reading right now). Make it so they have very high dues (like 40k per year). If you are not a member of the guild you cannot do any porn whatsoever without fear of a law suit - or being beaten by a giant dildo - some sort of repercussion befalling you. Then when someone turns 33 they get all the money they put in + interest - fees. They can be a member emeritus but are no longer allowed to act.
This would have a secondary benefit to the women. Scarcity drives up prices and this type of guild would act as a monopsony. Also the forced savings would help since careers are short. And lets be honest most of that money would go up the nose or shot into the arm anyways. Okay.... not the arm it is too noticeable on screen. I guess porn stars, whores and models prefer the foot right?


Michelle said...

take a look at most of the male porn stars, u-g-l-y. Not to mention most of the time the camera isn't even focused on them.

\ said...

But is that an issue with the Internet if it is shown to be true on and offline?

Unknown said...

Foot Models likely use their arms, haha.